sunnuntai 16. syyskuuta 2012

Paris insolite

Le week-end dernier j’ai participé à un tour dont le but était de montrer aux intéressés une facette insolite de Paris, celle de l’art urbain. Le tour a commencé dans le 11e arrondissement, sur la rue Oberkampf et puis nous sommes allés vers Ménilmontant et Belleville. Le tour était très intéressant, j’ai appris que l’art urbain n’est pas que de graffiti fait pour embêter les autorités (oui, il s’agit de cela aussi, de temps en temps) mais qu’il peut effectivement avoir un but et offrir de nouveaux point de vues ! Nous étions guidés par un mec anglais qui avait abandonné son travail (quelque chose à voir avec le commerce ou le finance, je ne m’en souviens plus…), et déménagé à Paris pour se concentrer sur ce qui l’intéressait vraiment. Il savait beaucoup sur l’art urbain, pas seulement sur celui à Paris, et en plus, le tour n’était pas cher du tout, on n’a tous payé que « ce qu’on pouvait », on pouvait donc choisir. Voilà mes œuvres préférées. (Les légendes sont en anglais car le tour était en anglais et je n'arrive pas à tout traduire en ce moment:)

Last week-end I did an Alternative Paris art tour in the Oberkampf/Ménilmontant/Belleville area. We were shown street art in these quartiers and told stories behind the artist and the works. Our guide, a guy from London, had quit a job he said he hated and moved to Paris to live on art. The tour was super interesting, I learned that street art is a lot more than just hasty graffiti here and there, drawn mainly to “damage” the area and piss off authorities. It can be that as well but often the art works have deeper meanings and the artists have really thought about what they want to convey. The tour was a perfect way to get rid of stereotypes and to see a side of Paris not so often talked of. Paris seems to be quite a hot spot for street art actually, especially in Belleville and Ménilmontant where you constantly bump into pictures of all kinds, without actually realizing it’s street art. Here are some of my favourites. 

Here's an art work by a guy whose trademark is a toilet turned into a cocktail. If you're wondering how he managed to climb up there to draw it, he used the ladders that are now kind of concealed by the painting. Handy.
This face is painted by Shepard Fairey, the same guy who designed the Barack Obama election poster! He's painted that same face in several locations in Paris.

One of my favourite artists, Fred Chevalier. He draws his inspiration from Alexandre Dumas novels and his work often features themes such as chvivalry and love. He's the most prolific street artist at the moment.

I have no idea about the artist here. But I love cool random details so couldn't help including this in the collection.

Fred Chevalier again.

Street art can be biiig. Avenue Jean Aicard (11e).

Philippe Hérard is the artist behind this image. Rue Crespin du Gast (11e)

One of my absolute favourites! For some reason, this reminds me of the magician in Moomins. The artist is called Nemo. Rue de Ménilmontant.

Our good ol' friend Fred has been up to shenanigans again, this time in Ménilmontant.

More cool random details.

These white men can be found everywhere in Paris, including the catacombs where they sometimes point the visitor in the wrong direction!

This guy looks to me like Vincent van Gogh.

Another massive street art work.

"You learn more in one sleepless night in Ménilmontant than in one year of going to bed early." Zoo project.

Nemo was here.

This wall was deocorated by an italian artist called NEVER 2501.

You couldn't really see the face clearly unless you knew what to look for.

The guy behind this image, Nick Walker, comes from the same clique as Banksy. He's British and the work is called "The Vandal".

This picture is by a street artist from Buenos Aires. I love it, you can really feel the Latin American vibe!

I have no idea who this is by but it's amazing. It's on a street off rue Dénoyez which is the Parisian Bricklane apparently. 20e arrondissement.

More random pictures.

"Anarchy is the highest expression order."

Cool, but kind of disturbing at the same time.

This makes me think of Banksy. Rue Dénoyez.

Rue Dénoyez.

"One has to be careful about words..."

Don't we all love stuffed animals!

A detective at work?

Sarcasm maybe?

Fred's character again.

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